Friday, December 17, 2010

It's Working! (Albeit Slowly.)

We've had to back off a little and start over a little less radically. I realized that we were trying to do too much, too fast. A few changes at a time is plenty for all of us to deal with, and once we feel comfortable with those, we'll tackle something else. As our days become more and more peaceful, I'm hoping that our lives will naturally flow more into mindful parenting and respecting each other's interests and choices.  

We moved Zoe into our room about a week ago. Her sleep schedule has changed, but she really enjoys spending time with mama and daddy before falling asleep. That means she stays up a little later at night, and she gets up a little later in the morning. Not a big deal, since she rarely has to be awake at any specific time. It's so nice to see her fall asleep smiling, instead of sad because she's been left alone in her room (even if she's not sleepy), just because it's "time" to go to bed.

Unschooling is not easy, but it's really worth it. With the exception of my occasional mis-steps (reverting back to the old ways of thinking and doing things), Zoe and I have really peaceful days. I'm learning to respect her as a person, trying to understand her desires and choices, and as often as possible to be a partner in helping her to achieve her goals, no matter how big or little they are. 

Today she asked for hot chocolate in bed. I put it in my coffee thermos so she could have it and I didn't have to worry so much about it spilling. Before unschooling, I would have just said, "No." 

Now it's, "Why not?" :)

I've learned that she likes to know the explanations for things. She likes things that make sense. If we can't do or have something that she'd really like, I explain to her why it's not possible and we try to find a way to make it happen in the near future, if we can. I'm also learning that when I am kind and respect her, she is kind and respectful in return. I can already see some of the benefits of our change in mindset, and I'm excited to see where it will take us as we progress along this journey.

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